Toxins accumulate in our bodies through exposure to the everyday environment. These toxins can cause our body to function at a less than optimum rate which can cause a weaker immune system as well as a number of other unpleasant symptoms, including tiredness, lethargy, headaches, skin eruptions, bad breath and body odours, flu like symptoms and many more. The detox foot spas found on Natural Concepts use electrolysis which stimulates the body helping it to detox and prevent such symptoms ever occurring.
By placing your feet in the warm, salty, ionised water for 30 minutes, you will slowly draw toxins out of your body. The foot spa sends energising electrical signals up through the lymphatic system which stimulates the detox process. You simply sit back and relax whilst the detox foot spas clear out your system. The foot spas that we offer on Natural Concepts are realistically priced, are made with a professional quality finish and are the perfect home detox system.
BioEnergiser ™ Classic Detox Foot Spa
The BioEnergiser CLASSIC D-Tox Spa System is the original detox foot spa by BioEnergiser. By re-balancing your body’s bio energy this revolutionary system helps promote your own natural detoxification process to remove unwanted waste and pollutants. Maximise your body’s efficiency with the Energiser Foot Spa and feel rejuvenated and have a better overall well-being.
BioEnergiser ™ Classic Detox Foot Spa |
BioEnergiser ™ Professional Detox Foot Spa
The BioEnergiser PRO D-Tox Foot Spa System uses its revolutionary system to boost the natural processes that re-balance our body's bio energy. By re-balancing your bio energy you help to kick start your own natural detoxification process that removes unwanted waste and toxins. The Energiser Foot Spa can result in you having better physical energy, mental concentration and improved circulation and metabolism.
BioEnergiser ™ Professional Detox Foot Spa |
BioEnergiser ™ Professional Refill Kit
The BioEnergiser PRO D-Tox Spa System Consumable Kit has the customer at heart. Why pay for a whole new system, like so many other detox foots spas require you to do, when all you need are a few key parts to have your system back up and running. The BioEnergiser PRO Consumable Kit provides you with the core array coil, low sodium salt and disposable bowl liner bags.
BioEnergiser ™ Professional Refill Kit |