Abdominal exercise is the ideal way to tone and strengthen your stomach muscles. Whether you are looking to sculpt a six-pack or simply wish to focus on casual fitness, there are many useful training techniques abdominal equipment can offer you. The abdominals are made up of 4 muscles. Each can be strengthened and toned with Natural Concepts’s great range of products. Aside from general day-to-day toning for a slimmer figure, improving your performance during certain physical exercises like swimming and jogging is a popular reason for regularly training the abdominal wall.
Beauty Works™ Body Balance Ball
Regular exercise of the abdominals, legs and arms is increasingly important when it comes to maintaining a healthy, streamlined body. The Body Balance Ball will help you to train and develop these muscles with a variety of strengthening workout techniques, helping you to increase resistance training, and reach both your day-to-day and long term fitness goals.
Beauty Works - Body Bounce Ball |
Beauty Works™ Digital 12 Pad Lean Machine
The Digital 12 Pad Lean Machine is all you need for your home fitness. This top of the range product has been specifically designed to tone and firm your muscles by electronically stimulating them to contract, while you simply lie back and relax. This latest model has a number of new features to provide you with everything you need and is suitable for both Men and Women.
Beauty Works™ Digital 12 Pad Lean Machine |