Beauty Is not created, it's Revealed
Sometimes simply pampering yourself can nourish the soul and
replenish your energy. We believe looking your best is important
for your liveliness and confidence. We offer products that will
invigorate you and help you thrive. You will also find products
intended to comfortably help beautify your shape. The conventional
idea of beauty is changing. The majority has spoken, and most
people do not want dangerously thin 18 year old models
representing the beauty ideal. From our perspective and products,
we support and encourage all women to feel healthy and beautiful.
Obesity - The Adverse Health Effects
Obesity is one of the biggest health concerns in the US today with nearly one fifth of the adult population reportedly obese. A person is said to be obese if their BMI is 30 or above.
Statistics today show that 17% of men, and 21% of women in the US are obese. A person with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 is said to be overweight, with 46% of men, and 32% of women in the US falling into this category. In 1996, approximately 13% of 8 year olds and 17% of 15 year olds were obese. This increases the chance of adult obesity. These are alarming figures.
Obese women have a higher chance of dying from cancer of the gall bladder, cervix, breast, uterus and ovaries.
Especially if most of the fat is carried in the abdomen. Men have an increased risk of abdominal obesity, which increases the risk of heart disease and type-2 diabetes.
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