Frequently Asked Questions

Can other members see my last name on my profile?
No. Your last name is hidden from visitors and members who are not your friends. You only see your own last name when you're logged in. The website is set so only friends can see each other's last name, and technically, you're your own friend. If you'd like to verify that, log out and check your profile again. If you still see your last name try deleting the cookies in your browser (in Mozilla, go to Tools > Clear Private Data, and select cookies; in Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Internet Options and click on "Delete Cookies") or opening your profile in a different browser.

Do you publish members' IP addresses in the blog comments or forum postings?
No. We do not publish any private information about our members in our blogs, forums or anywhere else.

I do not fully understand the "Target Calories: column. What is the purpose of this and how do I use that information?
The Target Calories column tells you how many calories you need to consume, in order to reach your Target Weight at your desired (weekly) Weight Loss Rate. For instance, someone who weights 120 lb may set her target weight at 100 lb, and the weight loss rate at 2 lb/week. The target calories will tell her how many calories she needs to consume daily, in order to reach 100 lb at a weight loss rate of 2 lb/week.

My Target Calories amount is too low. Why is that?
The Target Calorie amount is calculated automatically based on certain parameters including your Target Weight and your Target Weight Loss Rate. In case you set too high a Target Weight Loss Rate, the Target Calorie amount becomes too low, or even negative. In other words, the Target Weight Loss Rate you chose may be hard/impossible to achieve, or simply unhealthy. As a rule of thumb, about 2lb a week is considered a healthy/sustainable weight loss rate for an average person.

If your Target Calorie amount shows too low a number, check the following:
•  is your Target Weight Loss Rate too high?
•  if you use the metric system and entered your weight in kilograms, did you first select the metric system?

I'm showing a "Weight Gain" rate in my stats section. Why is that? I'm looking to lose, not gain weight.
Could you double-check the numbers you entered, and make sure that your Target Weight is lower than your Current Weight? If it is, and you still see Weight Gain, please contact us.

Why do the total intake charts at the bottom of the Diet page show negative numbers under my Target sections?
The total calorie intake at the bottom of the diet page usually shows a negative number when a dieter sets too high a weekly rate for losing weight ("Target Weight Loss Rate"). The healthy/sustainable weight loss rate for an average person is about 2lb/week. Once the rate goes over 2lb/week, the total calorie intake decreases fast and eventually shows a negative number. To check if you set too high a Target Weight Loss Rate, go to your Weight Loss Settings section (My Page > Weight Loss Settings), and check the Target Weight Loss Rate you set as your goal.